
Home Achievement Karanukan
作品内容Story One day, world-famous photographer Hikaru Oyama (GACKT) meets a beautiful girl in Okinawa. However, he loses the sight of the beautiful girl in a moment. While looking for the disappeared girl, he hears the mysterious voice of prayer called "Karanukan". Oyama follows the voice and finally finds the beautiful girl whose name is Mami Ishigaki at "NIRAIKANAI The Festival of Sea". He persuades her to let him take her picture and takes a picture. Suddenly, strong sunlight blinds him for a moment. Then he notices that the girls has disappeared as if light has swallowed her. Oyama continues to look for her in the depth of nature of Yaeyama.
会社名Production Company 株式会社シュガートレイン
スタッフStaff 監督:浜野安宏
主な出演者Starring GACKT / 木村涼香 / 秋吉久美子 / 加藤登紀子 / 木村祐一 / マリーン
字幕Subtitle 字幕ありWith subtitle
備考Others ジャンル:ドラマ 2017年3月10日全国ロードショー ©2017映画「カーラヌカン」製作委員会
支援内容Filming Support 平成28年度沖縄ロケ制作支援作品