Touyama’s stone paving road

HomeLocation SearchCentral AreaUrasoe CityTouyama’s stone paving road

It is a forked road from the Nakagamihouseikai raod and leads to Futenma Shrine, and the King of Ryukyu visited Futenma Shrine through this road. A stone paving road with a width of 3m remains over a length of about 200m in the valley where the Makiminato River flows.

Area Location Search
カテゴリーCategory HeritageRoads and BridgesPublic FacilityHistoric Landscape/Okinawan Landscape
Postal Address Touyama Urasoecity Okinawa

About 20 minutes from Naha Airport


As this is a Japan's designated historic site, please be aware of the following when shooting.
・ Shooting is limited to cases that do not affect the housing around the historic site.
・ Do not damage the of stone pavement, stone bridge, etc.
・ Do not change the current situation such as excavation
・ Consideration for visitors and worshipers visiting historic sites
・ Apply at least 1 week before.

Parking 4 cars available
Nearby Information Next to Prefectural Urasoe Grand Park

🎬 Achieves for shooting 🎬
NHK BS historical drama "Tempest"

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